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菡萏琼琚 · 2022年05月27日




A call option on a stock index is valued using a three-step binomial tree with an up move that equals 1.05 and a down move that equals 0.95. The current level of the index is $190, and the option exercise price is $200. If the option value is positive when the stock price exceeds the exercise price at expiration and $0 otherwise, the number of terminal nodes with a positive payoff is:









A is correct.

Only the top node value of $219.9488 exceeds $200


2 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年05月27日


题干提示了“ using a three-step binomial tree”,所以要“分裂三次”,

题目问的是“ the number of terminal nodes with a positive payoff ”,即可以赚钱的节点(node)数量是多少。由于call option可以以200的价格行权(即购买),所以当节点数字超过200时,以200的价格买入就可以赚钱(positive payoff)。这部分实际是衍生品要学的内容,这里可以先简单了解一下。


菡萏琼琚 · 2022年05月29日


星星_品职助教 · 2022年05月30日



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NO.PZ2017092702000095 问题如下 A call option on a stoinx is valueusing a three-step binomitree with up move thequals 1.05 ana wn move thequals 0.95. The current level of the inx is $190, anthe option exercise priis $200. If the option value is positive when the stopriexcee the exercise priexpiration an$0 otherwise, the number of terminnos with a positive payoff is: A.one. B.two. C.three. A is correct. Only the top no value of $219.9488 excee $200 题目中哪里确定的是 两层,即 先按照1.05 和0.95 先得到一层,然后再根据当前值 *1.05 得到了第三层的数据,就是怎么看出来第三层是terminal数据。

2022-12-01 13:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000095 问题如下 A call option on a stoinx is valueusing a three-step binomitree with up move thequals 1.05 ana wn move thequals 0.95. The current level of the inx is $190, anthe option exercise priis $200. If the option value is positive when the stopriexcee the exercise priexpiration an$0 otherwise, the number of terminnos with a positive payoff is: A.one. B.two. C.three. A is correct. Only the top no value of $219.9488 excee $200 来到第二次上涨的时候不是已经超过200了吗?这是向positive方向折了两次的意思吧?上课好像没详细讲到这东西怎么玩的,可以介绍一下吗

2022-11-03 20:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000095问题如下A call option on a stoinx is valueusing a three-step binomitree with up move thequals 1.05 ana wn move thequals 0.95. The current level of the inx is $190, anthe option exercise priis $200. If the option value is positive when the stopriexcee the exercise priexpiration an$0 otherwise, the number of terminnos with a positive payoff is:A.one.B.two.C.three.A is correct. Only the top no value of $219.9488 excee $200没有看明白答案中三叉树数字是怎么算出来的

2022-09-12 21:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000095 问题如下 A call option on a stoinx is valueusing a three-step binomitree with up move thequals 1.05 ana wn move thequals 0.95. The current level of the inx is $190, anthe option exercise priis $200. If the option value is positive when the stopriexcee the exercise priexpiration an$0 otherwise, the number of terminnos with a positive payoff is: A.one. B.two. C.three. A is correct. Only the top no value of $219.9488 excee $200 If the option value is positive when the stopriexcee the exercise priexpiration an$0 otherwise。这句话是什么意思,在题中、对解题起到了怎样的作用?

2022-09-11 13:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000095问题如下A call option on a stoinx is valueusing a three-step binomitree with up move thequals 1.05 ana wn move thequals 0.95. The current level of the inx is $190, anthe option exercise priis $200. If the option value is positive when the stopriexcee the exercise priexpiration an$0 otherwise, the number of terminnos with a positive payoff is:A.one.B.two.C.three.A is correct. Only the top no value of $219.9488 excee $200题干里面o otherwise是什么意思

2022-08-14 10:59 1 · 回答