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Hazel · 2024年02月26日




A bank entered into a three-year interest rate swap for a notional amount of USD 250 million, paying a fixed rate of 7.5% and receiving LIBOR annually. Just after the payment was made at the end of the first year, the continuously compounded spot one-year and two-year LIBOR rates are 8% and 8.5%, respectively. The value of the swap at that time is closest to



USD 14 million


USD -6 million


USD -14 million


USD 6 million



This question differs from the previous one, which gave the swap rate. Here, we have the spot rates for maturities of one and two years. The coupon is 7.5. The net present value (NPV) of the payments is then V=$18.75e1×8%+($250+$18.75)e2×8.5%=$244million.V=\$18.75e^{-1\times8\%}+{(\$250+\$18.75)}e^{-2\times8.5\%}=\$244million. Right after the reset, the value of the FRN is $250 million, leading to a gain of $6 million. This is a gain because the bank must pay a fixed rate but current rates are higher.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年02月27日

同学你好,一般算swap value的话,都是以刚刚付完息,不考虑当期的那笔交换的现金流的。


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NO.PZ2016082402000065 问题如下 A bank entereinto a three-yeinterest rate swfor a notionamount of US250 million, paying a fixerate of 7.5% anreceiving LIBOR annually. Just after the payment wma the enof the first year, the continuously compounspot one-yeantwo-yeLIBOR rates are 8% an8.5%, respectively. The value of the swthtime is closest to US14 million US-6 million US-14 million US6 million ANSWER: his question ffers from the previous one, whigave the swrate. Here, we have the spot rates for maturities of one antwo years. The coupon is 7.5. The net present value (NPV) of the payments is then V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million.V=\$18.75e^{-1\times8\%}+{(\$250+\$18.75)}e^{-2\times8.5\%}=\$244million.V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million. Right after the reset, the value of the FRN is $250 million, leang to a gain of $6 million. This is a gain because the bank must pa fixerate but current rates are higher. how to calculate the 18.75?

2023-09-21 13:24 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082402000065问题如下 A bank entereinto a three-yeinterest rate swfor a notionamount of US250 million, paying a fixerate of 7.5% anreceiving LIBOR annually. Just after the payment wma the enof the first year, the continuously compounspot one-yeantwo-yeLIBOR rates are 8% an8.5%, respectively. The value of the swthtime is closest to US14 million US-6 million US-14 million US6 million ANSWER: his question ffers from the previous one, whigave the swrate. Here, we have the spot rates for maturities of one antwo years. The coupon is 7.5. The net present value (NPV) of the payments is then V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million.V=\$18.75e^{-1\times8\%}+{(\$250+\$18.75)}e^{-2\times8.5\%}=\$244million.V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million. Right after the reset, the value of the FRN is $250 million, leang to a gain of $6 million. This is a gain because the bank must pa fixerate but current rates are higher.这个公式是基础课哪里的知识点

2023-04-03 10:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082402000065问题如下 A bank entereinto a three-yeinterest rate swfor a notionamount of US250 million, paying a fixerate of 7.5% anreceiving LIBOR annually. Just after the payment wma the enof the first year, the continuously compounspot one-yeantwo-yeLIBOR rates are 8% an8.5%, respectively. The value of the swthtime is closest to US14 million US-6 million US-14 million US6 million ANSWER: his question ffers from the previous one, whigave the swrate. Here, we have the spot rates for maturities of one antwo years. The coupon is 7.5. The net present value (NPV) of the payments is then V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million.V=\$18.75e^{-1\times8\%}+{(\$250+\$18.75)}e^{-2\times8.5\%}=\$244million.V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million. Right after the reset, the value of the FRN is $250 million, leang to a gain of $6 million. This is a gain because the bank must pa fixerate but current rates are higher.只用画两年现金流就可以了吗

2023-03-07 10:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082402000065问题如下 A bank entereinto a three-yeinterest rate swfor a notionamount of US250 million, paying a fixerate of 7.5% anreceiving LIBOR annually. Just after the payment wma the enof the first year, the continuously compounspot one-yeantwo-yeLIBOR rates are 8% an8.5%, respectively. The value of the swthtime is closest to US14 million US-6 million US-14 million US6 million ANSWER: his question ffers from the previous one, whigave the swrate. Here, we have the spot rates for maturities of one antwo years. The coupon is 7.5. The net present value (NPV) of the payments is then V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million.V=\$18.75e^{-1\times8\%}+{(\$250+\$18.75)}e^{-2\times8.5\%}=\$244million.V=$18.75e−1×8%+($250+$18.75)e−2×8.5%=$244million. Right after the reset, the value of the FRN is $250 million, leang to a gain of $6 million. This is a gain because the bank must pa fixerate but current rates are higher.第三年是250*(8.5%-7.5)折现率用7.5%?

2023-03-01 14:16 1 · 回答