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sososososophi · 2019年11月23日



Quinn sat for the Level III CFA exam this past weekend. He updates his resume with the following statement:  "In finishing the CFA Program, I improved my skills related to researching investments and managing portfolios. I will be eligible for the CFA charter upon completion of the required work experience."



Quinn violated the Code and Standards by claiming he improved his skills through the CFA Program.


Quinn violated the Code and Standards by incorrectly stating that he is eligible for the CFA charter.


Quinn did not violate the Code and Standards with his resume update.


B is correct.

According to Standard VII(B) –Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program, Quinn cannot claim to have finished the CFA Program or be eligible for the CFA charter until he officially learns that he has passed the Level III exam. Until the results for the most recent exam are released, those who sat for the exam should continue to refer to themselves as  "candidates." Thus, answer C is incorrect. Answer A is incorrect because members and candidates may discuss areas of practice in which they believe the CFA Program improved their personal skills.

如果已经pass 了level 3, 是不是就不violate了呢

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年11月25日


如果已经pass 了level 3,还要加上自己有每年交会费,这样就不违反了
