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Leaiatu · 2019年12月02日



A financial analyst is examining whether a country’s financial market is well functioning. She finds that the transaction costs in this market are low and trading volumes are high. She concludes that the market is quite liquid. In such a market:



traders will find it hard to make use of their information.


traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market less informationally efficient.


traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market more informationally efficient.


C  is correct.

In such a market, well-informed traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market more informationally efficient. In a liquid market, it is easier for informed traders to fill their orders. Their trading will cause prices to incorporate their information and the prices will be more in line with the fundamental values.


1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年12月02日

B说市场越信息无效啊,你看“less”。 C说的才是信息更加有效“more”

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NO.PZ2015122802000036 trars will finit easy to tra antheir trang will make the market less informationally efficient. trars will finit easy to tra antheir trang will make the market more informationally efficient. C is correct. In sua market, well-informetrars will finit easy to tra antheir trang will make the market more informationally efficient. In a liquimarket, it is easier for informetrars to fill their orrs. Their trang will cause prices to incorporate their information anthe prices will more in line with the funmentvalues. 考点Well FunctioneFinanciMarket 一位金融分析师正在检查一个国家的金融市场是否运转良好,她发现该市场交易成本低、交易量很高,她总结道感觉该市场的流动性很好。那么在这样的市场中,下列说法正确的是 A.说反了。题干说交易成本很低,流动性很好,此时如果分析师认为某只股票被低估了,那么在市场中很容买到。相反,如果此时交易成本很高,流动性又很差,那么即便分析师有判断,也无法实施,这个叫做harto make use of inforamation。 B和C前半句一样,都是正确的易成本很低,流动性很好的市场,交易员很容易交易。市场中交易越多,市场的就会越有效。因此B错在后半句。 more informationally efficient的意思应该是,信息地有效越强,解析中说越有效,中文意思没问题,约有效不应该说more efficient吗?C怎么能是正确的呢?

2022-01-27 07:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122802000036 这里是不是不用考虑市场是不是有效的市场啊?

2021-11-11 12:53 1 · 回答

很多人问A,我看了是不是可以认为,wll functioning market 不等同 流动性好的市场,也不等同有效市场? 但是讲义里infomation efficiwncy就是特点之一,就是说价格反应所有信息,除了未来信息。那不就是很难利用信息获利吗?

2019-12-28 20:13 1 · 回答


2019-01-13 07:00 2 · 回答