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Zunniyaki · 2019年12月02日



Açor’s notes from her previous meeting with Njau indicate the following behavioral considerations related to Njau’s retirement planning:

■■ Njau would like to increase her level of spending if supported by investment projections.

■■ Although Njau could pay a lump sum and receive a series of fixed payments, she prefers not to lose control over her assets.

■■ Njau understands the risk–return relationship and is willing to accept some short- term losses to achieve long- term growth.

Based on Açor’s notes from her previous meeting with Njau, the behavioral consideration exhibited by Njau is most likely:



a consumption gap.


the “annuity puzzle.”


 heightened loss aversion.


 B is correct. The “annuity puzzle” describes the phenomenon that retirees tend to avoid annuity investments, which may be appropriate to best help them reach their financial goals. An annuity provides a series of fixed payments, either for life or for a specified period, in exchange for a lump sum payment. Njau’s reluctance to lose control over her assets by paying the lump sum in exchange for the fixed payments is one explanation for her reluctance, and she may also believe that an annuity would minimize the chance of a substantial improvement in her lifestyle.

老师您好,答案中最后一句说:she may also believe that an annuity would minimize the chance of a substantial improvement in her lifestyle. 但是我看了一下讲义P52中说:“Explanations: investors' hope of substantial lifestyle improvement”,这里怎么理解呢?投资者难道不是希望有一个生活方式的大幅提高么?还是答案中说的那样,希望年金能把生活方式大幅提高的几率最小化?谢谢!

2 个答案

逐渐囝仔化 · 2019年12月05日

他希望可以有大幅改善生活方式的机会,但是年金只能付他fixed payment,没有提升机会。所以他不想投资年金 - "Annuity Puzzle"

包包_品职助教 · 2019年12月02日


investors' hope of substantial lifestyle improvement意思是投资者希望大幅改善生活方式,也就是有annuity puzzle的这类人有一个特点

she may also believe that an annuity would minimize the chance of a substantial improvement in her lifestyle意思是她还可能相信,年金将使她生活方式大幅度改善的机会降到最低。意味着如果她不愿意买年金的一个原因就是不愿意让生活方式大幅度改善的机会降到最低,也就是她想大幅改善生活方式,说明她有annuity puzzle



